Brian and Kara Chilling in the house away from the heat!
Kasen cooling off in the pool.
Jacob wouldnt get in until I got in so this is where he stayed until i got in.
Joseph loves the pool and has been swimming since he was 1 year old. So he loved mothers day this year!!
My mother and my 2nd cousin Russell.
Kara in her church outfit. Her bow was made by my sister-in-law. It is still a little big, but it makes it even better. I love it!! It makes her look like a present and reminds me how children are presents from our Heavenly Father.
We had a great Mother's Day. It started off with breakfast in bed, flowers and my cards. It was nice. Then we went to church and I got a lot of candy. I got a candy from both of my kids in primary and then then the primary presidency brought candy into the nursery. So I ended up with a chocolate necklace from after the sacrament and 3 candy bars.
Then we went to my moms and had a nice dinner with my great aunt and cousin. It was sooo hot so we did go swimming. I know it was Sunday but we made an exception. It was really nice.
Thanks to all the women in my life who have made an influence on me. My mother is the BEST mom ever. She is always there for me and has taught me how to be loving and a great mom. I dont think I can be as good of mom as she was but I try. She has done so much for me and my family. She is always helping with the kids and taking us in when we need a place to go. She is an amazing grandmother. I think Joseph loves her more than me, but I still love her. She is an amazing woman. Thanks to my mother-in-law. She is such an inspriation. I dont know how she managed to raise 7 kids, especially since she raised half of them completely on her own and all of their teenage years on her own. WOW!!! I have a hard time with just 4 I could never do 7. She is always telling Brian to treat me well and raised him to be a great husband and father. Thanks to my step mother-in-law. She is always there to listen to me when I just need an ear. She is always willing to do whatever she can. She calls just to say hi and I know if I really needed her she would drive out here to be there for me. She is like anther mom to me. I know I can count on her whenever I need her. Then there is Wendy Hayden. She is a women in our ward that has taken our family in. We are really good friends. She is like another mom to me. My kids love her so much. She has helped our family more then she will ever know. I dont know what we would do with out her. Thanks so much to all the mothers in my life I know there are many more I have not mentioned.
I admire you and four! With one I feel overwhelmed. I don't know how you do it. Happy mothers day! (a couple of days late.) You really are an awesome mom.