Friday, May 8, 2009


So it is T-ball time again. Joseph played last year and Brian helped coach. It was so funny to watch at the beginning of the season because the kids had no idea what they were doing. By the end of the year they were pretty good. This year Joseph does'nt seem to intrested in it. He says he loves it, but he sits in the outfield and does'nt pay attention. His team this year is so frustrating. The kids just dont come to the games. The coach says they dont even call and let him know. Last saturday there were only 5 kids on his team there and the other team only had 4. We will have to wait and see if he plays again next year.

Joseph getting ready to go to his game.

Joseph hitting the ball and his coach.

In the dugout getting ready to bat!


  1. It's about time you started a blog!!!! Now we can keep updated with you guys!

  2. Beautiful family! we (and by we I mean me) will be following along, and maybe starting our own blog. Sounds daunting though... I'll check it out on my day off. Love you guys! Miss you so much. Meet you in Vegas soon. xoxo

